5 Ways to Help a Cancer Patient During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Panic, a pandemic, and general pandemonium have all lately been sweeping the world. But for a cancer patient or caregiver, your world was already being rocked daily—Coronavirus is just the icing on the proverbial cake. It’s a concerning development for everyone, but especially for those at high-risk.
I’ve found that a lot of articles on this topic have the same few tips of washing your hands and such— not much more. The question begs to be asked: what are the other ways a cancer patient can stay safe during the COVID-19 outbreak? Well, I’ll try my best to answer that in this blog.
I think it’s important that say that I, nor anyone at Canplan is a medical professional. We’re just people who did some research and would like to present that research to you in a digestible and helpful way.
So, here is: How Cancer Patients Can Care for Themselves During the Coronavirus outbreak.