Our Vision

To empower patients/caregivers of any health concern by revitalizing their sense of control.

Our Mission

We guide patients/caregivers towards a more proactive approach in their physical and mental healing. Our products aim to aid them in both holistic recovery and discovery.

Although CanPlan started off focusing on cancer patients, the long-term vision is to broaden the scope of usage and extend the benefits to anyone facing a life crisis whether it’s a physical or mental illness.

The Story Behind CanPlan

This journey started when I found out the doctor diagnosed my mom with uterine sarcoma cancer.  The first thought that immediately crossed my mind was, "My mom has cancer, now what?"  I desperately looked all over for an organizer to help me and my family gain a sense of control over cancer.  When I couldn't find the tool we needed, I decided to create it on my own.  Hence, the birth of CanPlan.

In loving memory of Yong Chu Kim. The most sacrificial, hard-working, Christ-loving mother a girl could ask for.


If you're reading this, I'm sure you know just how much of a rollercoaster cancer can be. From the moment of diagnosis, you're literally plummeted into a world you've only heard scary things about. Now your calendar is filled with endless doctor appointments, treatments, testings, and you feel like you're always playing catch-up. Not to mention you're scrambling to try and figure out what all this new terminology means all while trying to recollect everything the doctors and nurses have told you. Cancer doesn't just affect you physically, but mentally and emotionally as well.

These are all the things I felt as a caregiver to my mom. I was tired of feeling so lost and not knowing how to help, so I just did the first thing that came to mind: I started to keep track of EVERYTHING. I tracked her diet, medications, symptoms, side effects, overall mood, exercise, etc. on a daily basis to get a better idea of what each day was looking like for her. I also tracked all her doctor appointments, treatments, test results, so I can see how her cancer was progressing and if there were things we were doing at home that was contributing to any improvements or declines we were seeing in her blood test results. What all this tracking gave me was a holistic picture of what was happening to my mom internally. It also helped me to communicate more clearly with her health care team about which symptoms she was experiencing, exactly when it started, and what we thought could have triggered it.

All this tracking helped us tremendously in a situation where we felt like we had no control. And ultimately, we don't have control over what happens to us. That is all in the sovereignty and power of God. But having a SENSE of control empowers us to be proactive rather than reactive, and it gives us a better understanding of what options we have for next steps and how to move forward in our journey.

I pray this planner blesses you in the same way it has blessed my family and I. Although my mom ended up passing from cancer after only one short year of battling it, I am grateful I get to carry on her memory through this planner.